
Sunday, October 20, 2013


Awan hitam ini selalu bersamaku..
tak ada lagi cahaya matahari yang membakarku..
tak ada cahaya bulan..
tak ada kerlingan indah bintang-bintang..
hanya awan dan hujan..

di ambang batas kesabaranku..
di penghujung krisis kepercayaan..
dimana tak seorangpun yang bisa aku percaya..
dimana aku merasa sendiri ditengah keramaian..
dimana tak ada lagi bahagia dibalik senyuman manisku..

hanya bisa berpura-pura..
tak ada satu katapun yang dapat kuucapkan..
hatiku menjerit..
terlalu kuat untuk meneteskan air mata..
terlalu sok untuk berpura-pura tegar..

Just because you see me happy on the outside, doesn't mean that I'm also happy in the inside

[NP : Christina Aguilera - Reflection]

Look at me
You may think you see who I really am
But you'll never know me..
Everyday its as if I play a part
Now I see, if I wear a mask I can fool the world
But I cannot fool my heart..

Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show who I am inside?
I'm now in a world where I have to hide my heart 
and what I believe in 
But somehow I would show the world what's inside my heart 
and beloved for who I am..
Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Must I pretend that I someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show how I am inside?
There's a heart that must be free to fly
that burns with a need to know the reason why
Why must we are conceal what we think how we feel?
Must there be a secret me I forced to hide?
I won't pretend that I'm someone else for all time
When will my reflection show who I am inside?


I can't fool my heart..
Have you even looked at me? Really?! 
Then why don't you see me, the real and truly confused me?

Have you seen the magic that I hide from you? 
The thoughts so much older than my age? 
The eyes of a tired young woman?

Have you seen the signs asking someone's hand? 
The strenght of a hidden witch?

Have you seen the ice behind the gestures? 
The fire behind the eyes?

If I wear a mask I can fool you and the world, but never fool myself or my heart. 
Because I am not what you think you see, but a woman older than my age, that saw the past and can't tell you anything 'cause you won't understand.

So I wish I could burn the mask and freak out! 
But I can't because I know you want me to be sucessfull and my secret is so scornful in the eyes of the foolish society.

I wish I could be myself because the fire burning inside is making me restless.

I wish you were more openminded to my world...

I wish you could give me your hand and say : TAKE THE MASK OFF...

[ N ]

FC Bayern Munich