
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I Will Learn To Be Grateful For My Regrets

I will learn to be grateful for my regrets.

There are too many times when I've said, "God I wish I could've not done that. I should've known better". In fact, it's true.
I do know better. And I did know better. Yet that didn't stop me in the past. And that disobedience led to my current regrets of the past.

"Saying sorry won't change anything", people say. And I believe it's true. Saying sorry doesn't change our past. It doesn't remove our guilt and shame and it most definitely doesn't take away our regrets.

But then one thing that I do realise lately. Is the fact that, life goes on. No matter what happens, and no matter how much we regret something so badly and we just want to be given a chance to turn things around, wounds leave scars. And scars remain.

"Learn from your mistake", people say. Such a simple truth, yet I never really listen to it.

But today I thank God, that it's not too late for me to learn again.

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